October 6, 2015

To continue in the Top 20 Series, we present the Top 20 Tools for DIYers to Have. We wanted to share with you some insight into different tools that make life in the shop a lot more enjoyable. I do endorse Ryobi's products and will stand behind any of their tools. Some of the links within this post are affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to buy the tools through these links. If you do end up purchasing through the link I’d really appreciate it, it helps support the weekly, free content that we offer.

If you're just getting into DIY projects, here are the first six tools I would buy.

1.Circular Saw

2.Orbital Sander


4.Kreg Jig

5.Jig Saw

6.Miter Saw

Now let's take a look at the top 20 shop necessities!


Of course one of the most common tools you'll be working with when doing DIY projects is a saw. Whether you're cutting a board to length on the miter saw or circular saw or ripping a specific width on the table saw. These are the products I recommend that every DIYer have in their shop. Click on any of the photos or links to purchase.

OneMiter Saw0e97b4d8-4380-4fe7-a2cc-84e91b342c61_400

Miter saws, in particular a compound sliding miter saw, makes life easier in the shop. You can cut lengths on these saws, angles, and more. I think a miter saw is a tool that every DIYer should have.




Two – Circular Saw7dcc0acc-7bf5-4354-8316-7e67039e5691_400

A circular saw can take the place of cuts that are done on a table saw. It is a little riskier doing certain cuts with a circular saw versus a table saw, but is a good option for those trying to stay within a budget. You can cut lengths, widths, angles, etc.



ThreeJig SawScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.10.35 PM

A jig saw is a very handy tool to have in your shop. Most cuts on a jig saw are done freehand without a fence or straight edge to follow. Jig saws are great for cutting rounded cuts that your straight miter, circular, or table saw can't do.


Four – Table Saw48c965e0-6db8-4a04-b40f-7132dec25332_400

Table saws are so versatile and come in handy for all sorts of cuts. A table saw has an adjustable fence that locks into place, ensuring that your cuts are precise and square. You can rip (thats a table saw term) a 1×8 board down to a 1×6 on a table saw.



FiveThickness PlanerScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.10.43 PM

I recently added a Rigid thickness planer to my shop and it has been an excellent addition. A thickness planer takes tons of sanding work away if you have boards that you either want thinner or cleaned up. You run the boards through, adjust the thickness you want, and the blades cut down to thickness.



SixScroll Saw1459c17a-9bf6-4165-97f9-3410bb4bd297_400

Scroll saws are amazing for those fine cuts that a jig saw can't do. You can do all sorts of intricate woodworking cuts on a scroll saw. Anything from making small earnings to making templates for your projects.


 Sanders, Router, and Finishing Tools 

Although it may not be all of our favorite part of the DIY building process, finishing is very important! It's important to have a good working sander for the finish to cure and look its best. Let's take a look at some of the best sanders and router that should be in your shop today. Click on any of the photos or links to purchase.

Seven Orbital SanderScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.17.29 PM

An orbital sander is a tool that every DIYer should have in their shop. The sandpaper is easy to find at any hardware store, goes on and off easily, and the motion of the sander evenly sands. Remember to let the weight of the sander do the work, no need to push down hard.



EightSheet Sander4a3c0381-579b-42f1-bb80-642c3077c0a6_400

Very similar to an orbital sander, just a different shaped sheet of sandpaper goes on and the motion of the sanding is slightly different. Still a helpful tool to have in the shop, even though I am more partial to orbital sanders.



Nine – Hand Planer692bc3c5-9686-40ba-8df7-331e9cf225a5_400

If a thickness planer isn't in the budget right now, then a hand planer is what you're after! These make easy work out of joining the edges of boards, planing down the thickness, and more.




Routers are very versatile tools, they can also be dangerous tools so make sure you spend some time learning about your new tool. They are great for rounding over edges of boards in projects, cutting sections for inlay, and much more.



ElevenAngle GrinderScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.21.12 PM

Angle grinders are excellent for all sorts of DIY projects. Whether you need to get rid of stubborn nails in a board that won't pry out or smooth off an edge of steel for a project, angle grinders can do a lot.


 Drills and Nail Gun

A majority of the DIY projects you'll be completing, especially the ones I post for your enjoyment are going to require a power drill/driver of some sort and possibly a nail gun or staple gun. Beyond just the DIY projects you're building, power drills and nail guns make great tools for fixing things are the house, vehicles, and more. Click on any of the photos or links to purchase.

Twelve18v Drill (2 Piece Kit)23b57644-36d2-44a6-ae3d-5f7f0443098a_400

In my mind, this is another essential tool that every DIYer should have. There is not many projects where a drill won't come in handy. These make easy work out of home maintenance and repairing as well. Ryobi makes an excellent drill kit.



Thirteen – Nail Gune48edfcf-9133-489e-b257-c42ad48d6ef4_400

Making quick work out of the alternate hammer and nail method. Nail guns are very versatile and can be used on many different projects. Of course, do be cautious when using one.



Fourteen – Staple Guneee1e933-d72b-4d99-beff-314218278853_400

Just as helpful as a nail gun is a staple gun. Its a very helpful tool to have in the shop and can make quick work out of attaching one board to another, and more.



Jigs, Clamps, and Other Essentials

Fifteen – Kreg JigScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.30.51 PM

If you've read through my posts and seen my videos, you'll know I am a huge fan of the Kreg Jig and hidden pocket hole joinery in general! I often find myself saying how nicely the Kreg will work for this project or that. Definitely on my essentials list for every DIYer to have in the shop.



Sixteen – Jack Clamp (set of 2)Screen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.31.11 PM

Clamps come in handy in many situations. Jack clamp makes a truly excellent clamping system that expands to longer lengths, adds attachments when needed, and more. Clamps are always handy to have in any shop setting!



Seventeen – Speed SquareScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.31.23 PM

Accuracy is key when you're making any project. A speed square makes quick and accurate work out of drawing lines, marking angles, and more for differing projects.



Eighteen – Hearing ProtectionScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.31.33 PM

Of course, in any shop, safety should be number one priority! Hearing protection is an essential and should be in any DIYers shop.



Nineteen – Tape Measure1b5e7fd4-0cff-4dc1-99a0-d2011a1fe3ca_400

Tape measures come in handy in any shop, home, or office. I highly recommend this Milwaukee tape!



Twenty – Gorilla Wood GlueScreen Shot 2015-10-02 at 4.31.45 PM

Last but certainly not least in my opinion is wood glue! Gorilla makes an excellent wood glue that bonds quick, dries and cures quick, and lasts for years to come. This is definitely an essential item in any woodworkers and DIYers shop.




Hopefully this list of the top 20 tools every DIYer should have does help you. If you're just getting into DIY projects, here are the first six tools I would buy.


1.Miter Saw 2.Circular Saw 3.Drill 4.Orbital Sander 5.Kreg Jig 6.Jig Saw

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