April 3, 2014

Rob is an outdoor enthusiast who loves working with weather and inspiring others. Rob enjoys the outdoors and traveling the world.

In this episode DIY PETE interviews Rob Farrington of TheStrapSmith.com to find out how to get get into the craft of working with leather. Rob shares how he turned his passion for working with leather into a successful business that makes and sells high end custom watch straps to celebrities, athletes, and watch strap connoisseurs from around the world. You will learn how the tools needed to work with leather, where to source materials, and actionable steps to start working with leather today!

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Jay Leno with a StrapSmith leather watch strap

TandyLeatherFactory.com – Great resource for free instructional videos and to purchase leather crafting tools
Tandy Leather Tools on Amazon

My Youtube Channel! Please subscribe here. I'd appreciate it!

Tools to get started working with leather

Connect with Rob!

The StrapSmith on Facebook
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The StrapSmith on Pinterest
The StrapSmith on Youtube

Websites Mentioned

TheStrapSmith.com – Rob's watch strap business
DIY Inspiration Post – How a hobby will have a positive impact on your life

Tool Recommendations
Need more ideas on tools to get started with your do it yourself projects? Just check out my resources page to see all the tools I use and recommend!

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Simply go to DIYPETE.com or click the button below! You will need a computer with a built in mic to do this. Most computers nowadays are equipped!

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